Now you can send electricitymeter data using #wifi , #ltenetworks, #lorawan or #nbiot to Sensor-Online IMD or any other cloud solution.. Cloud price per electrictymeter got a lot cheaper with the new multiplexer aproch on the latest PCB design, 1, 4 or 8 * P1/hanbus connectors can be connected to one communcation device…
Hanbus adapter
Get the maximum insight into the energy usage of your home, for both electricity use, generation, and gas. Designed for smart meters in The Netherlands, Sweden and Belgium. No additional power needed..
p1 adapter for electricity meter
Get yourself insights of your energy usage with the Sensor-Online#IMD plugin and the smart meter gateway from the company Nodeledge ab.
The devices is powered by the meter, no external power supply nessecary the gateway can be connected to all Swedish meters with a P1 port based on the Dutch Smart Meter Requirement standard (DSMR). You can recognize the port by the RJ12 (6-pin) connector.
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