Transform Local Rainfall Data into Smarter Weather Insights

Empowering AI/ML with Local Rainfall Data: Sensor-Online’s IoT Platform Integrates LoRaWAN/NBIOT Sensors and SMHI Forecast🌧️ The ability to precisely monitor hyper-local weather conditions is essential as we adapt to more frequent climate variations. Through rainfall sensors connected via LoRaWAN, combined with the Sensor-Online IoT platform, we can capture critical metrics like: *Local Rainfall Volume*Rain Intensity*Rainfall…


Ensuring Structural Safety with Inclinometers Using the Sensor-Online IoT Platform

Structural safety is critical for infrastructure like dams, bridges, and buildings. Inclinometers, which measure slight angular movements, play a vital role in detecting early signs of shifts or instability, offering applications beyond traditional infrastructure monitoring. Why Inclinometers MatterInclinometers provide real-time data on tilt and displacement, making them ideal for:Dams: Detecting shifts due to water pressure…

This Is How Sensor-Online’s Innovative QR Code System Transforms IoT

Sensor-Online IoT Revolutionizes Data Reporting with Durable QR Code Stickers Sensor-Online IoT introduces a groundbreaking innovation: durable QR code stickers designed for seamless asset integration, revolutionizing data reporting efficiency. Each sticker features a unique QR code ID that easily links to tasks through an intuitive server-side GUI. This setup streamlines operations by providing customized reporting…

How to Connect Modbus Devices to Sensor-Online: Step-by-Step

Why you should connect your Modbus Devices to Sensor-Online Platform In today’s interconnected world, linking many devices to the digital realm is invaluable. Modbus technology, a mainstay in industrial automation and smart home technology, is pivotal in this connectivity. This tutorial will explore connecting a Modbus device to the Sensor-Online platform. Sensor-Online, a cloud-based IoT…

Green, Sustainable Buildings: Using Sensor-Online Innovative IoT Tech

How Sensor-Online is Revolutionizing Smart Buildings Using LoRaWAN-BACnet Tech Smart buildings are revolutionizing modern infrastructure, offering enhanced efficiency, significant energy savings, and an improved quality of life. At the heart of this revolution lies the integration of advanced technologies like LoRaWAN and BACnet. Sensor-Online’s IoT portal provides a cutting-edge solution for seamlessly managing these technologies…

Unlock the Future: Fast-Track Your Journey to Industry 4.0

Harnessing the Power of IIoT with Sensor-Online IoT Portal The Sensor-Online IoT portal is a comprehensive solution that integrates various industrial devices seamlessly, ensuring rapid, reliable, and secure access to critical data from industrial processes and embedded systems. By leveraging this platform, engineers and managers can gain real-time insights in various formats, such as databases,…

Veni Metering, New B2B partner

*** Ny B2B partner *** för Sensor-Online IOT portal Med stor glädje och entusiasm presenterar vi vår senaste B2B-partner, Veni Metering! Samarbetet mellan Nodeledge ab, konsulter inom IoT och IoT-hårdvara och Veni Metering kommer göra det möjligt för fastighetsägare och företag att dra nytta av avancerade sensorlösningar för effektiv energiförvaltning och smarta fastighetsapplikationer. Sensor-Online insamlingsmotor för förbrukningsmätare stödjer #mbus, #lorawan och #NBiot som gör det…